In the Heights and Hamilton star Javier Muñoz recently revealed that he is battling cancer. The actor who serves as Lin-Manuel Miranda’s alternative and partner in creating the roles for both musicals has since had to scale down his involvement to only Sunday matinees in order to focus on his health. Now, Muñoz is making his diagnosis public and director Thomas Kail is discussing Muñoz future with the production.
Javier Muñoz recently revealed that he was suffering from cancer, telling The New York Post:
“I was diagnosed in October. I spent about six weeks not wanting to think about it, face, it, deal with it. I had never felt fear before like this in my life.”
Hamilton and In the Height’s director Thomas Kail also spoke with the post about how the show had no plans on letting Muñoz go:
“There was no thought at all about [replacing him]... Javi’s someone who has given so much. Now we wanted to make sure he had what he needed to be well, and to know he wasn’t alone.”
Muñoz cancer diagnosis is why he has scaled down his involvement to just a Sunday matinee alternative for Lin-Manuel Miranda.
Angelica Schuyler actress Renée Elise Goldsberry, commented on Muñoz involvement, adding:
“To understudy or standby takes a tremendous amount of humility. It’s a very supportive role. [But] when Javi goes on, that’s a lion going on, jumping headfirst into the battle. Javi proves that both sides -- supporting and alpha male -- exist. And he does it brilliantly.”
We here at Classicalite wish Javier Muñoz all the best in his battle with cancer.
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