The High School Musical franchise was a mega hit for The Disney Channel. The trilogy, which consisted of two made for TV films followed by a theatrical release, launched the careers of Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Tisdale. It also helped pave the way for the Teen Beach Movie franchise. With all that success it is no wonder that Disney announced they are planning a fourth installment of the franchise.
Disney Channel President Gary Marsh released a statement to the press about the company’s plans for the franchise, saying (via US Weekly):
"High School Musical is part of Disney Channel's DNA. It embodies all that we stand for. As a way of continuing to embrace that heritage, we're excited to announce 'the start of something new' as we launch a search for a new class of East High Wildcats to star in a fourth installment of the High School Musical franchise."
Recently, Vanessa Hudgens portryaed Rizzo in Fox's Grease: Live. Hudgens spoke to Playbill about how there would be no High School Musica without Grease:
"High School Musical was High School Musical because of Grease. It was the original High School Musical, which is why it's so awesome that I'm now coming back ten years later and playing the opposite character.”
What do you think about the news? Are you excited to revisit East High? Would you like to see a new trilogy? What was your favorite number from the franchise? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
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