With The Hateful Eight in the running for three Academy Awards, the world-renowned pianist Lang Lang has recorded a new rendition of Ennio Morricone's original score. In a new video, the piano-playing virtuoso performs the piece in his own voice.
Ennio Morricone has been nominated for six Oscars over his longstanding 55-year career but has yet to win. For the composer, he has been a mainstay in the arena of film scoring for his contributions to A Fistful of Dollars, The Untouchables and a plethora of spaghetti Westerns.
Having already yielded a Golden Globe and BAFTA award, Morricone--along with Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio--hones his sights on the Oscars, where Morricone and DiCaprio are contending for their very first golden statues.
So it would make sense that a master such as Lang Lang would orchestrate a new version of the score in preparation for the Academy Awards on Feb. 28.
In the new video, Lang Lang is filmed at the Rosewood Hotel Beijing. Directed and produced by Harvey Weinstein, the Chinese piano player is seen performing in his usual form, playing with ease and perfection.
If you aren't in the know, Lang Lang was named one of Time magazine's 100 most influential people and is a leading performer of Chopin. His recent Chopin-Tchaikovsky disc, entitled Lang Lang in Paris, also featured a video of the Chinese virtuoso performing in the Hall of Mirrors at the Chateau de Versailles.
He's also performed at the Grammys with Metallica in a redux of the metal band's iconic "One."
A classical crossover smash, check out Lang Lang performing The Hateful Eight below and be sure to tune into the Oscars this Sunday.
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