The critically-acclaimed television sitcom Seinfeld draws comparisons to everyday situations through the comedic lens. Now, a clever gadget geek has created a literal everyday Seinfeld situation: a device that plays the iconic bass line every time you enter a room.
In a video that has surfaced on YouTube, the device, which isn't aesthetically pleasing, is a simple tool that uses a motion sensor to play the opening bass riff from the series every time something or someone passes by the sensor.
This sort of gizmo doesn't take much ingenuity, either. The door-bot is built with an Arduino, infrared sensor and Adafruit Music Maker Shield. Essentially, this is a device almost anyone can make in their own home.
Summed up by Hackaday:
"A few simple parts later (Arduino, MP3 shield, magnetic door reed switch) and a tiny bit of code to randomize which bass riff plays, and it's a done deal. Like we said, it's not rocket science, but it's a humorous addition to what looks like a well-stocked game room. (Is that a Joust console we see?)"
While the technology may be trivial, the gadget was coined about a year ago by YouTuber Caliixxs. So, if you've ever felt like pulling a real-life Kramer, now might be your chance.
Perhaps now, all of you Seinfeld needs can be summed up through an ornamental tech tool. Try and attach it to any threshold possible-or maybe even a skateboard ramp.
If you don't believe it, check out a visual example of the bot below.
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