The long awaited follow up to the Jurassic Park film series is finally on its way. The upcoming fourth film in the franchise, titled Jurassic World, is currently in pre-production and that means that it's officially casting season for the new film. Twilight actress Bryce Dallas Howard has reportedly signed on for the new film. Rumors are also flying that geek icon and Wes Anderson staple, Jason Schwartzman, is planning to spend some time at the park.
Let's not kid ourselves, the real stars of Jurassic Park are the dinosaurs. But what good would a bunch of man-eating monsters be without some men to eat? Well it is looking like the dinos have finally found some new flesh to gnaw on. Rumors are circulating that Bryce Dallas Howard and Jason Schwartzman have been cast. Schwartzman isn't really known as a action star, but he seems like he would be perfect to play a paleontologist.
The original Jurassic Park was a huge success. The 1993 movie and it's 2012 3D re-release, combined, won three Academy awards and have grossed an impressive $1,023,553,882, making it the 13th highest grossing film of all time.
The franchise fell out of favor after 2001's Jurassic Park 3. However, the series is back from the brink of extinction once again. To quote Jeff Goldblum's character, Dr. Ian Malcolm, "Life finds a way."
Jurassic World opens on June 12, 2015. 2015 is shaping up to be one of the busiest years for movie goers. Everything from video game movies (Assassins Creed) to comic book films (Batman vs Superman, Marvel's Avengers Two: The Age of Ultron, Fantastic Four, and the newly announced, Antman) and much more all scheduled for release, as well as Star Wars Episode Seven.
There wouldn't be enough room at the box office if Pirates of the Caribbean 5: Dead Men Tell No Tales, hadn't pushed back it's 2015 release date.
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