Spoiler Warning! A new extended trailer for Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier premiered before 3D showings of Thor: The Dark World. The five minute, exclusive look features Cap, The Black Widow and the Falcon, going head-on against corrupt Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, including new villain Crossbones.
Fans who went to see the premiere showing of Thor: The Dark World in 3D got an additional treat. A special, five minute extended look at Captain America: The Winter Soldier played immediately before the film.
The exclusive preview opens with an extended look at the trailer's elevator scene. In the clip, Cap gets on an elevator in S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters with Brock Rumlow, the man who becomes the masked villain, Crossbones. The elevator fills up with other corrupt agents who all manage to give Cap a run for his money, before he ultimately knocks them all out.
The rest of the trailer feature extended clips, showing the Black Widow and The Falcon in action. The clip ends with a brand new shot of Caps former war buddy, Bucky Barnes, in full Winter Soldier gear, grabbing Captain America's shield--a weapon that many comic fans are aware pf.
Dave Hollis, Disney Studio's executive vice president of theatrical distribution, first annouced the preview in a press statement, last month:
"After The Avengers, the Marvel films are more interwoven than ever, and this pairing is the perfect complement to both of the new movies. Thor: The Dark World is going to be an exceptional theater going experience, and this sneak peek will really rev fans up for the return of not only the Mighty Avenger but the First Avenger as well."
Did you get to see the extended trailer? Let us know what you thought about it in the comments section below.
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