Charlie Sheen appeared in court again on Wednesday, following his series of seemingly life-threatening tweets against ex-wife Brooke Mueller. Sheen has railed against his ex, after the recovering addict received overnight visitations of the couple's twin boys. The judge gave Sheen a slap on the wrist but didn't issue a restraining order. Meanwhile, Sheen's other ex is reportedly seeking to give up conservatorship of the boys, who she claims are increasingly violent. Richards also reportedly provided the courts with evidence that Mueller is abusing the boys.
Charlie Sheen appeared in court again this week, where he was given a slap on the wrist for violating a gag order in his custody battle. The judge also denied a temporary restraining order, according an anonymous source who told Daily News:
“The judge admonished him to abide by the gag order, but he didn't threaten him with jail. The judge simply said he wasn't happy with what appeared to be a violation of his previous order.”
Sheen's other ex-wife, Denise Richards, currently has guardianship of his and Mueller's twin boys. Richards reportedly included pictures of the boys with bruises in a letter to the court. She allegedly blames Mueller for the children's injuries. However, Brooke reportedly tried to turn the accusations around on Richards. The Daily News source also spoke on the issue, adding:
“It’s unconscionable. Here Denise steps forward to do a saint-like task and plunge her house into chaos, and she gets false accusations from Brooke in return. She’s very worried she might get blamed for something else she didn’t do.”
According to an anonymous Radar Online source, Mueller tired to have the children stripped from Richards' care earlier in the year, to no avail:
“Brooke again failed to provide any concrete evidence as to why the judge should strip Denise of temporary guardianship of the boys. The twins are thriving in Denise’s care. Brooke’s brother, Scott, lives in Orange County--and any move in the children’s living situation would cause significant upheaval. They’d have to be uprooted from their preschool and their sisters.”
Richards is reportedly now looking to give up her guardianship because of the boys violent and unruly behavior. Radar Online is reporting on the issue, writing:
"In a letter she wrote to DCFS, Richards says the twins abuse her dogs, squeezing their heads until they whimper in pain and strangling them by the neck, threatening to kill them--but it’s not just the animals.
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