The Heartbeat Opera has announced the return of its annual Spring Festival slated for mid-March. The ten-day event will feature a new 90-minute adaptation of three act tragedy of Gaetano Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor with a new arrangement of the score by Invisible Anatomy's Dan Schlosberg along with Henry Purcell's Dido and Aeneas and new series COLLABORET.
For its 2nd annual Spring Festival being held March 10-20, 2016, in the Theatre at St. Clement's in New York City, Heartbeat Opera will be putting on two fully mounted productions of operatic classics: Gaetano Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor and Henry Purcell's Dido and Aeneas.
A recent press release touting the event explains that Donizetti's original three act score has been condensed to just an hour-and-a-half with a unique new arrangement by none other than Invisible Anatomy visionary Dan Schlosberg:
"In this staging, a nameless asylum inmate reimagines herself as Lucia: a wild, anarchic, and daring heroine who is broken down only by the violent effort of the men around her."
Of his work with the contemporary classical chamber ensemble, Schlosberg recently explained to the Village Voice that his raison d'être of his art was to change the way audiences experienced music on the whole:
"The notion [that] you need to suffer through New Music isn't something we're interested in.
"We are trying to have a more direct relationship with our audience."
Lucia di Lammermoor will be performed at on March 12, 16, and 20 at the Theatre at St. Clement's, New York City.
Single tickets are to Heartbeat Opera's Spring Festival available for individual productions starting at $25. Season Passes and Flex Passes are also available.
Be sure to get yours online at online at Brown Paper Tickets or at the door.
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