The highly anticipated Iowa Caucus has come and pass finally, and -- thankfully -- good news has come of it. Not only did Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton falter despite dominating the media coverage for much of these campaigns, but hope was provided in even more ways for sane Americans everywhere.
Republican Final Numbers:
- - Ted Cruz 27.6%
- - Donald Trump 24.3%
- - Marco Rubio 23.1%
- - Ben Carson 9.3%
- - Rand Paul 4.5%
- - Jeb Bush 2.8%
- - Carly Fiorina 1.9%
- - John Kasich 1.9%
Originally, we were led to believe that the Republican nominee was a two-horse race, but would you look at that? Just look at it!
But seriously, look at how close Marco Rubio was in the polls. Truly, that is a good sign -- as the top two are nut jobs, one being a right-wing extremist and the other a racist, sexist, fourth-grade-level-speaking, fascist. Rubio at least has some common sense in his plans and ideologies, and also seems to care about people. If he really jumps on the opportunity, he could use this to springboard past Trump and then people will really begin to think about him.
Another positive sign is just to look at the total percentage between Cruz and Trump: 51.9 percent. Barely half of the Republicans voted for either of them. What this tells me is that there are a lot more reasonable conservatives out there than the media would have us believe, and they don't all love the idea of a Cruz or Trump nomination.
Faith in humanity is slowly being restore.
Democratic Final Numbers:
- - Hillary Clinton 49.9%
- - Bernie Sanders 49.6%
- - Martin O'Malley 0.6% (pulled out of race)
Truly, things are really looking up.
It wasn't too long ago where Sanders was projected to get under five percent of the vote whereas Clinton would get well over half and close to three-quarters of it -- maybe 6-8 months ago or so?
Even as recent as October, Sanders was expected to be down by over 10 percent.
Instead, it was the closest caucus of all time, and many, many voters turned out. Sanders nearly pulled off the upset, but won anyway because now everyone has to take his campaign seriously -- including the media that barely covered him until the past few weeks or so.
Unbelievably, there was controversy here -- well, maybe that's not so crazy. But six -- yes, six -- entire precincts had too close of a call to have a winner based on the votes. Thus, a coin was tossed -- yes, a freaking quarter was tossed to decide a presidential precinct winner.
Six coin flips, six wins for Clinton. Mathematically speaking, that has a 1.6 percent chance of happening that way.
Hmm, I wonder what's going on there...
If those votes that were too close to call were considered just that and it was a draw, Sanders would've actually won the majority of delegates. That's how impressive Sanders' campaign has become, and if he wins New Hampshire (as he's projected too), then this race could go either way with all of the momentum on Bernie Sanders' side.
All in all, the Iowa Caucus showed the American people still care about values and other people. It was an inspiration to see that Trump, Cruz and Clinton are all losing steam, especially considering how the mainstream media covered and portrayed them. Now, people like Rubio and Sanders have a true leg to stand upon, and perhaps our great country won't fall into the hands of someone who doesn't deserve it, and is only out for themselves.
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