Adam Driver is on top of the world. The Girls actor recently rose to mega star status thanks to his role as the villainous Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Driver is also hosting this weekend’s episode of SNL and has been featured with his signature lightsaber in the recently released promos. Driver is also a graduate of the famed Juilliard school, was also a member of the U.S. Marines. His experience in both worlds lead him to form , AITAF (Arts In The Armed Forces), a non profit organization that brings theater to the troops in order to help them reconnect with civilian life.
The AITAF mission statement explains what the group is all about:
“AITAF bridges the cultural gap between the United States Armed Forces and the performing arts communities by bringing the best modern American theater to the military free of charge. AITAF programming accentuates the shared humanity of all Americans by using performance to unite artists and service members and encourage dialogue. AITAF enlists artists of the highest quality and chooses thought-provoking content with an eye to what might speak to this particular audience.”
Driver was recently featured in a Vice News video which showcases the AITAF program in action(via Variety):
“Putting words to feelings for the first time, I was making the human connection of being in the military through theater. And in doing so I felt less alone.”
You can watch the full Vice video below. Be sure to catch Adam Drive on SNL this Saturday on NBC.
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