Wait, hold off giving SRK the championship belt. Deepika Padukone epic adventure film, co-starring boyfriend, Ranveer Singh, is rebounding a hard charging Shah Rukh Khan's action rom-com. Dippy's Bajirao was expected to do good business but this is catching quite a few industry analysts off guard. So, is it hurting Diwale's box office?
According to The Indian Express, "The collections of 'Dilwale' declined by 50 per cent on Monday, whereas 'Bajirao Mastani's collections went down by mere 10 - 15 per cent. The figures of 'Bajirao Mastani's collections were ahead of Dilwale for the first time on Monday as the movies earned Rs. 10.25 cr and Rs 10.09 cr respectively."
Bajrao Mastani did have several things going for it even before it hit. It had been impressive word of mouth and was, of course, literally twelve years in the making. As well, it carries with it in Deepika Padukone whose star can only shine brighter. Director Sanjay Leela Bhansali believes that the film also from a masterful performance fom Ranveer Singh. To quote The Times of India, ."In an interview with Bollywood Hungama, Bhansali has said that Ranveer is still growing as an actor but has also confidently stated that the actor will achieve stardom with Bajirao Mastani."
As the two continue to wrestle for box office supremacy, Bollywood will, in turn reap the benefits. With Padukone being the star name attached to the film, it also shows India's evolution.In the US, Bajirao is also doing better than it adversary. In its first three days, it pulled $617,943 to Dilwwale.
The Business Standard had this to add, "The film, which collected Rs.90.80 crore worldwide in its opening weekend (Rs.60.80 crore in India and Rs.30 crore abroad), managed a strong business of Rs.10.25 crore in India on Monday, thus taking its cumulative total to Rs.101.05 crore, read a statement.
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