Depending on who you talk to, the prostitutes Lamar Odom was patronizing at the Las Vegas BunnyRanch are either responsible for his near death overdose, or the only reason is he still alive today. According to the latest gossip news updates, Kourtney Kardashian's husband went to the brothel to have sex with trans porn star, Madison Montag, who insists that she would have kept the NBA star sober during their time together, but Lamar decided last minute to shack up with a couple of girls who couldn't care less about his personal wellbeing, instead. The whore house's owner, Dennis Hof, claims contrarily, however, that the only reason the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star is alive today is because the hookers that he was with responded so quickly to his deadly overdose.
Although Caitlyn Jenner supposedly has little love for Lamar Odom, Kourtney Kardashian's husband is said to be quite fond of transgender women, according to porn star, Madison Montag.
The transgender sex worker claims in the latest December 14, issue of InTouch that had Odom gone through with the BunnyRanch rendezvous they arranged, Lamar would be a lot better off today:
"If the night had gone according to plan, none of this would have happened. Everything could have been avoided.
"He would have been safe. No drugs would have been involved and he would have been well taken care of."
Although, Montag seems convinced that had it not been for her rival prostitutes, Lamar's overdose would have never happened, BunnyRanch owner and operator Dennis Hof insists that the only reason Odom is alive is because of his fast-on-their-feet employees (via NY Daily News):
"The fortunate thing is that everyone did the right thing when it mattered.
"They got the paramedics there. If it wasn't for their fast response, Lamar might be dead."
Who do you think is ultimately responsible for Lamar's nearly breathing his last in a Las Vegas brothel?
Should any blame or credit be placed at the prostitutes' feet?
Or, should Lamar Odom be held solely responsible for anything and everything that happened to him at the BunnyRanch?
Let us hear what you have to say about it in the comment field below.
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