The world is gearing up for the upcoming apocalypse this Sunday, when 'The Walking Dead' returns to television. This new season promises a new deadly threat, and no one is safe. As always, any character can die at any time. Even fan favorite Glenn isn't safe. SPOILER ALERT.
Warning Comic Series Spoilers Below
Anyone who has ever seen or read any of The Walking Dead can tell you not to get attached. Any of your favorite characters can die at any given time. This point was proven when show and comic creator Robert Kirkman killed off fan favorite Glenn in the 100th issue of the comics. Kirkman recently spoke with The Associated Press about his decision to kill of the beloved character and about how Steven Yeun, the actor who plays Glenn on show, reacted.
"It was really strange for me writing that, knowing that Steven was going to read it. There was a concern like I didn't want Steven to read it and think I was mad at him."
However, that is not necessarily a death sentence for Steven Yean on the show. The TV adaption has frequently strayed from the source material. For now Glenn is still alive in the series, although, Yeun is still uncertain how long it will last.
"No, there's never reassurances on the show. Obviously, I would like to keep it going as long as possible, but it would be fun to go out that way too. ... At first when I read it I was like, 'Wow.' I thought it was brave. I thought it was terrifying. I actually loved it. I mean what a way to take a beloved character away from the readers, just snatch it away."
One other major variations from the comics is that Rick Grimes actually loses a hand, a move Kirkman has since said he regrets.
Walking Dead airs Sunday October 13 on AMC.
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