Craig Robinson, star of The Office and This is the End, was arrested Wednesday in the Bahamas for drug possession. The actor faced a four year prison sentence but managed to have it reduced to a mere $1000 fine.
Who would have thought that one of the stars of Pineapple Express did drugs? Shocking to absolutely no one, Robinson was arrested on Wednesday when he tried to board a plane with pot and ecstasy. Robinson was then taken before a magistrate where he faced a possible four year prison sentence. Robinson reportedly told the judge that he had brought the drugs with him from the U.S and was unaware that were illegal in the Bahamas. The judge then reduced his sentence to a $1000 fine or six month prison stay, Robinson took the obvious choice.
This isn't Robinson's first drug offensive. Back in 2008 he was arrested for felony drug possession. The actor was caught during a routine traffic stop with MDMA, cocaine and Meth. He was currently on probation at the time for a previous drug driving arrest in 2006. He didn't serve any jail time for that arrest but he was ordered to undergo drug education classes. Apparently they didn't work.
Drug abuse is a growing problem in Hollywood. Glee star, 31-year-old Cory Monteith, passed away over the summer after overdosing on heroin and alcohol. It has also been reported that actor Zac Efron has served in and out stints in rehab for a cocaine addiction. Troubled starlit Lindsay Lohan, who has served numerous stints in treatment, is rumored to be starting her own rehab facility to combat the problem, while stars like Miliey Cyrus have taken fire for glorifying party drugs.
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