In the wake of Cory Monteith's tragic death due to overdose, his girlfriend Lea Michele is allegedly reaching out to other troubled actors. Reports are surfacing that the Glee star has offered her friend Zac Efron support while he struggles with a cocaine addiction.
Lea Michele is still coping with the loss of her on and off screen boyfriend, Cory Monteith, and she isn't planning on losing any more friends to substance abuse. LOOK has reported that an unnamed source is claiming the starlit has reached out to her troubled friend Zac Efron.
"Lea called Zac and told him, 'I'm here if you need me'. She urged him to get serious about having a 24-hour sobriety coach and to only spend time with people who care about his welfare."
The source latter added::
"Lea must feel sad that she wasn't able to prevent Cory from relapsing. She knows Zac well and would hate to see him go down the same path.''
Zac reportedly took Michele's advice to heart, according to the source:
''Zac was really glad to hear from her. They have plans to go on a yoga outing together in LA later this year and he promised to discuss his state of mind with her weekly by phone or email.''
Efron may need all the support he can get, as a source tells Star Magazine:
“Zac still drinks a beer when he goes out because he says he doesn’t have a problem with alcohol. But he’s an addict and needs to stay completely sober.”
Zac recently broke his silence for the first time since his treatment came to light, posting a message to his Instagram fans recently, which read:
"Hey guys! Just returned from an incredible trip to Peru with my dad and wanted to thank you all for your support these past few weeks...means the world to me. Love you guys! - Z."
We here at Classicalite wish Mr. Efron all the best in his recovery. If you or anyone you know has problem with drugs or alcohol, please seek help.
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