Considering the terrorist attacks on Paris, the rise of ISIS, and a growing Syrian refugee crisis, should America accept Syrian refugees, or bar the doors for security's sake?
It's a difficult question that must be asked in the wake of the atrocity committed in Paris by ISIS and the association of one of the terrorists with the Syrian refugees. America has long been a world leader when it comes to sending aid, spending billions to help those in need around the world. We've been hit hard by terrorism and 9/11 is forever etched in the memories of those old enough to remember watching the live broadcasts, those who saw on live national television the second plane slamming into the World Trade Centers.
And we've fought even harder against terrorism ever since, liberating Afghanistan from the terrorist-linked Taliban and Iraq from dictator Saddam Hussein. The war so far has been fought mainly overseas. Which makes the next challenge more poignant. To save the innocent, do we risk bringing refugees to America knowing how likely it is there will be terrorists among them? Do we bring the war to our own door and risk a Paris-style attack in the United States so that children are not sleeping exposed to the elements? "12 million Syrians have fled their homes because of conflict; half are children."
"Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
America should open its doors to these immigrants as quickly as possible. Yes, we should remain vigilant, our eyes open to those who would bring us death and destruction. Yes, it will be expensive. Yes, we have many domestic problems of our own. But we can help. We have the resources. How many charities across the US have a purpose of building housing for those in need? If America could supply half of Berlin by airplanes right after World War II, would it be any harder to supply the refugees here in American until they can get back up on their feet? We could give them the opportunity to become citizens the legal way. To join the American Dream, to add to the melting pot that is America. This country was founded by immigrants. Virtually every natural born American citizen can trace their roots back to another country within the last 250 years.
We have the opportunity to offer help. We have the opportunity to provide hope. We can change the world. We can make it better.
We are Americans.
We Are Not Afraid.
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