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Booed Justin Bieber Break Up With Selena Gomez Leads ‘Heartbreaker’ Singer to Use Drugs and Weed Beside New Girlfriend Ariana Grande? [PHOTOS]

Justin Bieber, who was recently booed in concert, may be taking his break up with Selena Gomez harder than anyone thought. A new photo has been leaked which seems to show the Biebs smoking weed beside Ariana Grande, who may be his new girlfriend. Of course, the “Heartbreaker” singer’s alleged drug use has many speculating that his split from Gomez is to blame.

On October 7, Bieber tweeted out a message about his new song, “Heartbreaker.” The wannabe bad boy told iTunes users:

“It’s a song for people going through heartbreak — like I was when I wrote it. It means so much to me to be able to share what I was, and still am going through, with my fans. I’m very proud of this song and I hope it gives my fans some insight into my heart. – JB.”

Nearly every gossip site thinks he’s talking about his split with Selena. This is especially true considering numerous press outlets have reported that the couple no longer speak to one another. Gossip site Hollywood Life was one of the first to break the story, when they spoke to a source who said:

“[Bieber and Gomez] both don’t talk to each other anymore. After some back and forth and second chances, the relationship is over. They know that they will see each other again at similar functions with their careers as they are and will be cordial to each other, but a relationship between the two and even a friendship is pretty much dead in the water right now.”

Biebs may have found comfort in another woman--Ariana Grande. The two were recently seen kissing in photos (even if it was just on the cheek), despite claims from Ariana that they are not together.

We want to know what you think. Do you believe that Justin was talking about Selena in his “Heartbreaker” rant? Will Selena and Bieber ever get back together? Are Ariana and Justin dating?

Tell us your thoughts in the comment field below.

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