According to multiple sources, Fiona Apple recently underwent an on-stage breakdown. A heckler allegedly made the “Criminal” singer have an emotional meltdown. Reports on Twitter indicate that Apple quit performing after an audience member suggested she has an eating disorder.
Well, it happened again. Fiona Apple walked off stage after an attendee crossed the line. Stereogum broke the news on their site, claiming:
“After close to 90 minutes of Apple and Mills trading off songs and, as they put it, “working sh-t out,” someone in the first balcony yelled out, “Fiona! Get healthy! We want to see you in 10 years!”
Apple, understandably, looked aghast, then hurt, then furious. She unleashed a torrent of vitriol at the unseen member of the peanut gallery. “I am healthy! Who the f-ck do you think you are? I want you to get the f-ck out of here. I want the house lights on so I watch you leave!”
That might have been the end of it -- the house lights did come on, and the shouter did eventually depart -- but the anonymous commenter decided to get one last shot in: “I saw you 20 years ago and you were beautiful!”
Of course, this isn’t the first time that Fiona was accused of ending a set early. Back in Tokyo, the singer/songwriter quit under similar circumstances. Apple would later deny these charges, writing:
"If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, if you could tweet to the twits who call themselves journalists (example Chris Martins of sit-and-Spin Magazine) that I FINISHED MY SET!!! I did my job, and they should do theirs too–They all miss the fact that there is a difference between the back-of-the-room-chatter that is simply annoying,–and the operatic drunken blather, or the heckling that is really just INTERRUPTING that makes it impossible for us to do our jobs. I hope your readers are already hip to the fact that they are consistently lied to… no apologies. -Fiona."
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