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‘SNL’ Bernie Sanders Larry David Calls Trump Racist on Live TV for $5000 Bounty

Say what you want about Donald Trump, but he knows how to make money. Take the $5000 bucks he just made for Larry David. After killing it again as Bernie Sanders on Saturday Night Live, the Seinfeld co-creator took advantage of a $5000 bounty on Trump’s head by calling him a racist on live TV. The bounty was placed by a political action committee that apparently doesn’t understand the dictionary definition of the word racist, and or confuses all illegal aliens for Mexicans. This comes after John Leguizamo said he was going to boycott the show.

Recently The Guardian spoke with political action committee organizer, Luke Montgomery, about the bounty that was put on Trump’s head:

“We’re hoping that somebody in the audience stands up and calls him a racist.”

Of course one person did. That man was none other than Bernie Sanders….OK, it was Larry David but what’s the real difference. Check out the scene in the viewer posted video below befor SNL takes in down.

Saturday Night Live is going to be missing out on that coveted John Leguizamo demo. Recently the Violator spoke with Yahoo News Finance anchor Bianna Golodryga about his plans to boycott the series, stating:

“I find it hurtful and insulting, and you’re celebrating someone who has said some horrible things. I find it unacceptable. I will not watch … I won’t watch SNL anymore.”
Wow, he really is going to regret that move when he is looking to promote that Super Mario Brothers sequel.

What did you think about Trump’s hosting duties? What do you think about the boycott and bounty? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

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