Big Brother and The Talk host Julie Chen is still facing backlash from her revelation last week that she had plastic surgery to widen her eyes for the purpose of furthering her career. Now, one week later, she is fighting off rumors of more face altering procedures. Is the star telling the truth or she addicted to plastic surgery?
You have to admit, the now famous then and now photos of Julie Chen pre and post surgery look completely different, and we don't mean just the eyes. She almost looks like a completely different person. The side by side dual head shots taken 20 years apart, have many speculating that she has a little more work done.
Now Chen has found herself having to defend her past actions once again, while clarifying:
"For the record, I have never had a nose job. I have only had plastic surgery done to my eyes that I've already told you about.I do not have cheek implants. I did not take out fat. I did not have chin surgery. I did not have a nose job...These are not veneers. … I've never even had braces. Nothing else has been done ever."
She even went as far as to show a picture of her sans make up. In the pic, it appears that she is desperately posing to look more like her 20-year-old self.
The whole ordeal stems from last weeks secrets segment on the Talk when Chen reviled that criticism from a news director lead her to plastic surgery:
''You will never be on this anchor desk, because you're Chinese. Let's face it Julie, how relatable are you to our community? How big of an Asian community do we really have in Dayton? ... On top of that because of your heritage, because of your Asian eyes, I've noticed that when you're on camera, when you're interviewing someone you look disinterested and bored because your eyes are so heavy, they are so small.'"
This experience, and a similar one with an agent, convinced the American-born reporter that she would have to change her looks if she wanted to advance her career. She weighed the decision with family and friends, before ultimately electing to undergo plastic surgery to widen her eyes--a decision she says that she does not regret:
"I have to live with every decision that I've made…And it got me to where we are today. And I'm not going to look back."
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