Seemingly straight-laced High School Musical star Zac Efron was reportedly in treatment earlier this year for an alleged alcohol dependence. Although, TMZ is reporting that the actors issues may have been a little more serious. Rumor has it that the Neighbors star's cocaine and molly addictions lead to his secret rehab stint.
Zac Efron has reportedly got his head back in the game after struggling earlier this year with dependence issues. Although his secret rehab hasn't officially been confirmed, there are conflicting reports on the exact reasons behind his alleged treatment.
It is widely believed that Efron was suffering from alcohol abuse. An anonymous source spoke with E! News online about his recovery mentioning the alcohol issue specifically: "He's healthy, happy and not drinking. He's taking time to focus on working."
However, TMZ, citing its own anonymous source, is reporting that the former Disney star had some darker troubles. The source, said to be connected to the filming of his new movie The Neighbors, told TMZ: "It was common knowledge he was struggling with cocaine."
The website further alleges that Efron dabbled in Molly and went on destructive coke binges.
Efron rose to fame in 2006 as the star of the Disney Channel original movie, High School Musical. His rise to stardom has been a relativity smooth one, with his biggest controversy previously being the overdubbing used on his vocal track for High School Musical. Compared to other former Disney stars, like Lindsey Lohan and Miley Cyrus, he is doing pretty well for himself.
The hard working actor has quite a few projects coming out soon. You can catch first in the JFK assassination film Parkland, on Oct 4th, followed by the romantic comdey, Are We Officially Dating? and the 2014 comedy Neighbors.
We here at Classicalite wish Efron all best regarding his recovery, no matter the reasons.
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