Over the past week, Classicialite has been reporting on an underground movement called Free Loki. The campaign is petitioning Marvel Comics to make a solo film featuring Thor and Avengers' villain Loki. Devoted Tom Hiddleston fans, known as Loki's Army, are continually growing...but just like every army, they are facing some opposition. Free Loki founder Denise Heard-Bashur has released another statement to this reporter, detailing the groups origins and how they are using their favorite villain to fight the good fight:
"One thing that has become apparent since Free Loki first garnered media attention is that there are several misconceptions about the campaign in general. It makes sense that several pieces of fact are going to fall by the wayside in mass media. It’s a simple, if frustrating, reality. However I’m grateful for even a small opportunity to have a moment to offer some truths straight from the source.
Free Loki was founded by and is maintained by adults. We are not a rabid horde of feral teenage girls. This campaign is the brain child of two good friends, a grown woman and a grown man, both with backgrounds in marketing and a mutual interest in and appreciation of this character. Yes, we’re great fans of Loki, of the Thor films and of the Marvel universe at large. However every waking moment of ours is not spent “fangirling” (or “fanboying,” as the case may be). We have careers, are quite educated, have “normal” interests outside of this campaign, have workout routines and don’t live in our parents’ basements. I even have two amazing young daughters whose well-being comes long before any campaign. You may politely gasp now.
When we set out to create this campaign it was based on the idea that maybe it could nudge Marvel Studios in a direction we’d like to see them go in with this character and nothing more. We are fully aware of the fact that Marvel is highly unlikely to see a petition of 20k, 50k or even 100k signatures and say, “Wow! Okay, guys, you did well. We’re going to meet your demands!” We’re not idiots. We simply had an idea, as fans, that a Loki stand-alone movie has the potential to be a great story to watch given the dozens of character arcs and questionable villainy of the character. So far we can vouch that over 23k people agree with us, and that number steadily climbs daily.
We have no desire to pigeon-hole Tom Hiddleston into portraying Loki for the rest of his natural born days. Quite the contrary. We both are, as almost all of our supporters, appreciative of his work before and after Marvel. No one is more aware or impressed by Tom Hiddleston’s amazing range and acting chops than his fans. To assume they’re not conscious or respectful of those elements is folly.
Free Loki has also grown past simply fighting for a film. We have become dedicated to using our rapidly growing influence to support worthy philanthropic organizations such as Operation Smile and UNICEF.
I definitely respect the right of those who disagree with us. That’s what makes living in a culture that prizes free speech so great. However I do encourage those who want nothing more than to denigrate and berate this campaign to be sure they do so after learning a bit more about what they’re fighting so strongly against and decide if it’s really worth so much toxicity."
Denise Heard-Bashur
Founder of Free Loki
Contact us on Facebook @Free Loki
Join The Army @Free Loki
Twitter: @Free_Loki
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