Earlier this week, Classicialite reported on an underground movement to get the Disney-owned Marvel Studios to make a film based on Thor and Avengers villain. Loki. Devoted Tom Hiddleston fans, known as Loki's Army, have taken to the Internet in droves to support the cause. The Free Loki petition on Change.org has been gaining a lot of ground.
Loki's most devoted follower and Free Loki founder, Denise Heard-Bashur, spoke to this reporter about the recent attention. Check out the exclusive press statement, below:
The day before the first article broke on Free Loki (via Yahoo Movies UK on September 10), we had fought and clawed our way to 11,000 signatures. Up to that point signatures would come in at a rate of about 100-300 per day, depending on any recent events Tom Hiddleston had been involved in. We could always count on if he made an appearance somewhere (e.g. D23, the Toronto Film Festival, etc.) we could expect a surge in signatures and followers.
That all changed on September 10. After Yahoo Movies UK published a small write-up on us, several news outlets picked up the story in the hours following including major entities such as Empire Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, Huffington Post and The Hollywood Reporter. By that night our signatures had gone from the hard-fought about 10,500 to over 20,000. That growth is staggering and only proved my initial theories that media coverage was what Free Loki needed. At this point, after the coverage has calmed somewhat, we’re achieving about 1,000 signatures on a slow day.
We’re very grateful that Ryan Leston of Yahoo Movies UK saw there was a story in Free Loki and wanted to give us a boost, because that objective was certainly accomplished.
Denise Heard-Bashur
Founder & President of Free Loki
Free Loki
Twitter: @Free_Loki
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