Could Justin Timberlake be the Riddler in the next Batman film? The "Mirrors" singer has expressed an interest in playing the villain opposite his buddy Ben Affleck.
Riddle me that, riddle me this, here is a story you might of missed. During an August interview, Justin Timberlake was promoting his new movie Runner,Runner on Fresh 102.7's Jim and Kim Show when his co-star, Ben Affleck's, casting as the new Batman was brought up. The singer/actor proceeded to praise the decision:
"Ben Affleck as Batman, I like it. I worked with Ben last summer and I've seen his process. I think he's a brilliant filmmaker. I think he's an extreme talent so he could surprise a lot of people."
When asked if he would be Batflecks Robin, Timberlake responded:
"Not a chance in hell. I ain't playin Robin. I have no aspiration to ever be a superhero in a movie. Now VILLAIN! Ill tell you the villain I want to play more than anything because I grew up loving Batman, funny enough, is the Riddler. The Riddler is my favorite villain. The Riddler was like a sociopath. He was proper crazy. So if I'm gonna play crazy, I'm wanna play proper crazy. I'm ready. The Riddler. Gimme a call."
Now its highly unlikely that we will be seeing Timberlake twirling a giant question mark cane anytime soon, but the real question is--why not? The ultra-talented actor has come a long way from his days in N"SYNC. Timberlake continues to grow as a performer. His work on Saturday Night Live is just as good as any of the core members themselves and that is a feat not easily achieved. He certainly has the chops to tackle the role.
So tell us what you think? Should Justin trade in his fedora for a bowler cap?
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