It seems that Ed Sheeran might have opened up Pandora's box when he recently agreed to perform at his buddy Ronan Keating's wedding. According to the latest gossip news updates, now everyone from Demi Lovato to Courtney Cox want the "Don't" singer to do a set when they get married. The Friends actress, who Ed introduced to her current Snow Patrol fiancé, Johnny McDaid, insists that she couldn't even imagine tying the knot without Eddie there to sing her a song or two. In a related story, Sheeran's Pussycat Dolls girlfriend, Nicole Scherzinger, confirmed their split on Instagram -- by mouthing the words to his hit "Thinking Out Loud".
Perhaps, Ed Sheeran didn't quite know what he was getting himself into when he took the stage at Ronan Keating's recent wedding, but word has it that several of his besties are now openly campaigning for him to sing on their big days as well.
In a recent interview with the UK's Sun, none other than Courtney Cox exclaimed that she has a hard time even picturing a wedding to her fiancé, Johnny McDaid, that doesn't include Ed doing at least a couple of his hits (via KMBZ):
"We are certainly grateful to Ed for introducing us.
"I can't imagine him not playing something at the wedding. It'll be a musical night."
While it might be hard for Cox not to envision a future with Sheeran somewhere in it, former X Factor judge Nicole Scherzinger is going to take a pass.
The one time Pussycat Doll took to Instagram to let folks know that -- although it upset her do it -- she had to let Ed go:
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