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'AGT' 2013 Live Results Show Recap: Semi-Finals Week 2 Eliminations and Winners [SPOILERS]

Time for another AGT Results Show recap. In this latest update, we’ll take a look at week 2 of the Semi-Finals. SPOILER ALERT: Major revelations are below, including this week’s eliminations and winners.

The show’s first performance came from pop-rock group Panic at the Disco. The song really didn’t stand out, but Pete Wentz looked to have gained a little weight (don’t worry, he’s still hot). In the middle of plugging their upcoming tour, Pete commented that his favorite act is Collin’s Key (ok, maybe he’s not hot anymore.)

After twenty minutes of nonsense, it was time for the first elimination rounds. The three contestants who faced elimination were American Military Spouses Choir, Branden James and Timber Brown.

We were hoping that all three would be eliminated, but unfortunately Branden James will be moving on to the finals. And just like he does every single time he’s on camera, James cried. That isn’t an exaggeration...every single time he is on camera, he has cried.

Get. Over. It.

The second elimination saw a head-to-head face off between Chicago Boys and the Kristef Brothers. As we predicted yesterday, both acts were safe and will be performing in the finals. Howard was scared of the groups would be eliminated, telling Nick:

“I am so pleased. We are going to have a great finals. We need these acts. When I saw them come up together, I was saying ‘Please don’t let them go home.’”

The second performance of the night belonged to past contestants, iLuminate. The technology-themed dance group became so successful that they were given their own Broadway show.

The crowd and judges both reacted the same--with a standing ovation.

The next round of eliminations featured Marty Brown and Jimmy Rose. They are both likeable, country music singers who HONESTLY don’t deserve to be in the competition. Jimmy (not sure how) will be moving on the finals, which excites Mel B, who told him:

“I think you’ve really come into your own. It took me awhile to enjoy your voice, but now I love it. America got it right. You deserve to be here.”

The next three battling it out were John Wing, Kenichi Ebina, and Illusionist Leon Etienne and Romy Low. Ebina will be proceeding to the finals, a decision that surprises no one, including Howie Mandel:

“There is no one on this stage that has brought more talent to this stage than you. You deserve this and we can’t wait to see you in the finals.”

The final elimination was between dancers D’Angelo & Amanda and 11-year-old singer Anna Christine. In an unprecedented move, Anna Christine was eliminated.

That rounds out the final 12 who will be advancing to next week’s finals.

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