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AGT 2013 Live Show Recap: Week 2 Semi-Finals, Our Picks for Winners and Losers [SPOILER]

Time for another AGT Live Show recap. It’s week 2 of the semi-finals and most of the acts are really stepping it up. We’ve got our picks for tonight’s winners and losers. Warning: SPOILERS below.

The first act of the night was Di’Angelo and Amanda, the two young dancers. They chose to perform to Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal.” While the dancing was good, it wasn’t great until they performed in a small pool of water. The judges had mixed views.

Mel B: “It was technically on point, but I have to say...this routine only caught my eye when you hit the water. As soon as you hit the water, I was hooked.”

Howard Stern: “Howie is wrong. If the criteria is to up your game, then of course you upped your game. What he doesn’t understand is that when you perform in water its slippery and you can fall and hurt did a great job.”

Next up was Marty Brown, the country singer. In a troubling analogy in his video introduction, Marty drew comparisons between himself and Rocky, claiming that he was going to comeback from his past lackluster performance. The judges didn’t find the performance stellar.

Mel B “But still there were a few quirky, quivering notes that were not perfectly in tune. That being said people seem to like you.”

The Chicago Boys, a jump-roping acrobatics act, performed afterwards and were the first act of the night that truly entertained us. Before the young men took the stage, it was revealed that one of their main members broke his leg in three different places.

Luckily, the group was able to find a last-minute fill in. The audience, as well as the judges gave the boys a standing ovation.

Howard Stern: “I was a little disappointed no one broke their leg. These guys never disappoint...they did a thing there...I don't need to recap it...but they did great. they are phenomenal athletes and we are lucky to have them on AGT”

Next up was Illusionist Leon Etienne and Romy Low, a magic act that was Howard’s wildcard pick. They did a good job at keeping things moving along, but at the end of the day it was still your basic girl-disappears-in-box magic act.

Anna Christine, the 11-year-old singer, took the stage next. She wowed the judges and the audience alike with a stellar performance of “Wild Horses.” Mel B summed up the judges’ feelings, thusly:

“All the singers in this competition better be really scared, because that performance was really amazing. Your control and the quality of your performance. You’re 11 years old. Bloody fantastic! You are amazing!”

Kenichi Ebina, animation dancer, took a minimalistic approach to his performance. He came out with a boombox and performed a dance/fight number with a digital version of himself. The judges liked it, as Howie reveals:

HOWIE: “This is the biggest talent show in the world. You, sir, are the biggest talent in the world. This is a variety show and you are the variety...You should win a million dollars.”

John Wing, the oldest competing comedian, took the stage next. His set was met with applause and laughter despite his somewhat dated material.

Then, Brandon James, the opera singer, performed. Spoiler Alert: He cried again. As he has done EVERY SINGLE TIME he has been on camera. Lock it up, man. Mel B, though a fan, feared for James and Howard told him like it was, saying “The passion wasn’t there.”

After a number of mediocre acts, the Kristef Brothers gave an amazing acrobatic performance. What they are able to do is amazing! Their performance earned them a standing ovation from both the crowd and the judges. It was, undoubtedly, the most impressive act of the night.

The next three acts were best. First was the American Military Spouses Choir, a group of women who are married to servicemen, who performed the classicly depressing “Angel.” They were followed by Timber Brown, who spun by his wrists on ropes above a pool. Finally, they brought everything down even further when they brought on Jimmy Rose, who gave the worst performance of the night.

WINNERS: Di’Angelo and Amanda, The Chicago Boys, Anna Christine, Kenichi Ebina, The Kristef Brothers, Jimmy Rose (‘cause country music fans vote a lot, y’all)

LOSERS: Marty Brown, Illusionist Leon Etienne and Romy Low, John Wing, Brandon James, American Military Spouses Choir, Timber Brown

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