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'Breaking Bad' Season 5 Episode 11 Recap: The Shocking End of Jesse Pinkman and Walter White? Last Episode [SPOILERS]

Time for another Breaking Bad recap. Season 5 Episode 11 did not disappoint. In the shocking episode, viewers are left wondering if this is the end for Jesse Pinkman and Walter White. SPOILER ALERT: Major spoilers below from the last episode.

The episode opened with the Whites sitting silent in a Mexican restaurant. After a while, it becomes apparent that they are waiting for the Schraders.

The tension is almost unbearable when the couples are finally seated. Walter tries to convince Hank that he shouldn’t report him because that would destroy his childrens’ lives. Hank wasn’t buying it, threatening to destroy Walt.

Skylar pipes in and reveals to the Schraders that Walt is done and that they are no longer involved in the meth industry. After Hank threatens to put her away too, Walter stands to leave and hands Hank a CD.

Back at the Schraders’ house, Hank and Marie realize that Walter has recorded a confession...of sorts. On the video, Walter implicates Hank in the meth manufacturing, claiming that he is actually the ringleader of the organization. He does this in an impressively convincing manner, and Hank realizes he is screwed when its revealed that Walter paid his medical bills.

Of course, Hank was not aware of this and it creates a further rift in his relationship with Marie.

Things are much worse in the world of Jesse Pinkman, who appears to be suffering from a mental breakdown. He is released from police interrogation after Saul arrives.

Later, Saul would drive Jesse to the middle of the desert where he will meet Walt. Walter encourages Jesse to leave down, pretending that his ultimate concern is Jesse’s well-being. Jesse demanded that Walter tell him that leaving town would actually be a benefit to Walter and not himself.

Walt, in his typical fashion, refused to admit he needed a favor and simply hugged Jesse while he was crying--a plan that seemed to work.

Everything was going well (or at least as good as it could be), until Jesse realized he was being set up by Walt and Saul. Jesse figured out some of Walter’s most despicable secrets...including what he did to Brock, the child who Jesse was caring for.

Pinkman rushed back to Saul’s office and pistol whipped the corrupt attorney. After Pinkman left (with a gun), Saul called Walter. Walter rushed into the car wash and opened the drink machine. Inside was a revolver.

The last scenes of the episode featured Jesse Pinkman kicking in Walter’s door, and dousing everything in gasoline.

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