Director Joss Whedon has a lot in store for his upcoming sequel Marvel's Avengers 2: The Age of Ultron. In a recent interview the writer offers some insight into the inner workings of the villain and Scarlet Witch. Watch out for small spoilers.
In the cover story for this week's Entertainment Weekly, Joss Whedon, the man behind the blockbuster Avengers franchise, talks about the latest Big Bad.
Ultron, a sentient super powered android, bent on global domination has a long history as one of The Earth's Mightiest's greatest foes.
Created by Avenger Hank "Antman" Pymm, Ultron, in true horror/sci-fi fashion, flipped a switch and went all Oedipus on his old man.
The characters long and complicated origins might confuse some moviegoers unfamiliar with the overpowered patricidal villain. So Whedon plans to simplify and humanize the mechanical madman, telling Entertainment Weekly:
“I knew right away what I wanted to do with him. He’s always trying to destroy the Avengers, godd---t, he’s got a bee in his bonnet. He’s not a happy guy, which means he’s an interesting guy. He’s got pain. And the way that manifests is not going to be standard robot stuff. So we’ll take away some of those powers because at some point everybody becomes magic, and I already have someone [a new character, Scarlet Witch] who’s a witch... As a character I love Ultron because he’s so pissed off.”
Avengers 2: The Age of Ultron doesn't hit theaters until 2015 but you can get your fix in the August 23rd issue of Entertainment Weekly on newsstands now.
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