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Fired Sean Hannity Has Job Taken By Megyn Kelly and Michael Savage [UPDATE]

Sean Hannity, who has been fired from two different jobs, is not having a good year. It was announced today that he will be replaced by Megyn Kelly on Fox News and Michael Savage on Cumulus.

Sean Hannity is desperately trying to save his career. It was announced earlier this month that Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly would be taking over Hannity’s 9:00 p.m. slot on the conservative news network.

This followed reports that both he and Rush Limbaugh would be leaving their radio shows...well sort of. Cumulus is canceling both of their programs. Today, it was announced who would be replacing the floundering right-winger: Michael Savage...or so says Michael Savage:

"I predict, right here, right now, that I, Michael Savage, and the 'Savage Nation' is going to take over 'The Sean Hannity Show' time slot by the end of the year. I am the heir apparent to afternoon drive on the East Coast and around America on Cumulus stations, which have the most powerful stations in the radio world. He's probably a nice guy, but his time has come and his time has gone.”

Of course, his attack shouldn't catch anyone by surprise. Savage has often referred to Hannity as being a fake conservative.

In an act of desperation, Hannity decided it would be wise to attack singer/songwriter Ryan Adams, in an effort to generate some sort of buzz for the radio/tv has been.

After Sean demanded that Ryans sit in on his flailing show, the musical legend responded, “Thanks for inviting me on your show. If I wanted to be yelled at I would go see a Youth of Today reunion show.”

Instead of laughing the comment off, Sean acted like a baby and damned the musician for turning down his offer to appear on the admittedly bigoted program. Ryans simply responded, “I don’t negotiate with terrorists."

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