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Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson Break Up, Custody Battle after Canceled ‘Twilight’ Wedding [UPDATE]

It’s not breaking news that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson had a break up. It is a shocking revelation, however, that the two could be facing a custody battle. Despite a canceled wedding and having no children, the two could find themselves in court. We’ve got the latest update on the Twilight stars.

Turns out K Stew and R Patz may be making an appearance before a judge. The reason? Kristen Stewart is seeking custody of the pair’s shared dogs.

The two originally agreed to share custody of the animals, however, Kristen reportedly got furious when she learned that Pattinson was connected to Riley Keough. And, when K-Stew found out that Robert left the dogs with a friend while shooting a movie, she became livid. A source is reported to have told Grazia:

"Things have gotten pretty nasty between Rob and Kristen in recent weeks. And since Kristen found out Rob has left the dogs with a friend, she's seeking lawyers' advice on getting sole custody. She's been warned it could cost up to $100,000 in legal fees."

The source went on to claim that K Stew was having a difficult time with Riley:

"She was gutted when she found out about Rob and Riley. Kristen has started sending friends to pick up the dogs--she couldn't face seeing Rob. No one knows how they're going to work this out or where the dogs will end up."

This doesn’t seem that far off, considering there have been numerous reports indicating her possessiveness:

“Kristen wanted to go straight back to where they’d been before they first split up and pushed Rob really hard on it. She wanted the whole package: the house, the wedding and even the baby. It was all way too much for Rob to handle.Through the years, Kristen definitely became too dependent on Rob saving the day and taking her back. He had to constantly feel in charge of Kristen and eventually it just became too tiring. Kristen was never fully comfortable with Rob and Katy's relationship. She always suspected he had a soft spot for her. She's furious that the pair seem to have got together without so much as a word to her."

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