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Clingy and Jealous Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson News Update, K Stew Breaks Up with Paparazzi

Kristen Stewart may no longer be with Robert Pattinson, but she is making news of her own today. Turns out the clingy and jealous starlet is breaking up with someone new, the paparazzi. We’ve got K-Stew’s latest news update and coverage of her latest pap attack.

The Twilight star may need some anger management classes of her own, after laying into a paparazzo who took her picture. Kristen was standing beside a dumpster outside of a building when the photog began snapping pictures.

Kristen Stewart allegedly told the pap to “f--k off,” followed by:

"Because you're a piece of s--t and don't deserve to breathe the same air I do."

Wow! Will K Stew ever get under control?

It was reported yesterday that Katy Perry had to send Kristen a text just to let her know she wasn’t with Robert Pattinson (even though Stewart was the one who cheated on him in the past). Katy Perry told MTV UK that:

"I sent her a text message saying: 'I know you've seen all this stuff but you know I would never disrespect you. I'm not that person. I'm just trying to be a friend to him but it is unfortunate that I do have a set of t-ts.'"

Good idea Katy! You may have just avoided having K Stew cooking your pet rabbit, as the 23-year-old actress can be a bit clingy and jealous...or at least that’s what Grazia claims, quoting a source close to the ex-couple:

“Kristen wanted to go straight back to where they’d been before they first split up and pushed Rob really hard on it. She wanted the whole package: the house, the wedding and even the baby. It was all way too much for Rob to handle.Through the years, Kristen definitely became too dependent on Rob saving the day and taking her back. He had to constantly feel in charge of Kristen and eventually it just became too tiring.”

"Kristen was never fully comfortable with Rob and Katy's relationship. She always suspected he had a soft spot for her. She's furious that the pair seem to have got together without so much as a word to her."