After spending years apart, Kendra Wilkinson recently reunited with her estranged father on spin-off show, WatchIt with Kendra and Hank. Their reunion, which aired on WE, came after months of reports that Kendra's husband, Hank Baskett, cheated on her with a transgendered YouTube model. The alleged affair served as the major plot point of this season's Kendra on Top.
Kendra Wilkinson keeps surprising us. The gorgeous reality star has certainly come a long ways since her days as a Playboy playmate.
That was evident on the latest episode of WatchIt with Kendra and Hank, a show created solely for Hank and Kendra to review painful episodes from their other hit show, Kendra on Top.
While other seasons were light-hearted, last season focused on a rumored affair that nearly ripped their family apart.
Perhaps that's why Kendra decided to reunite with her father. According to People, this is the first time Kendra and her dad have seen each other in decades:
"Each week, Kendra Wilkinson has been reliving the emotional turmoil of her estrangement from husband Hank Baskett in the wake of his 2014 cheating scandal. But this week finds the former Playboy model in a much happier place...In an exclusive clip of Friday's Kendra on Top spin-off WatchIt with Kendra and Hank, Wilkinson reunites with her father Eric after decades apart."
That's not the only good news for Kendra.
In addition to reconciling with her father, Kendra has also made piece with Hank.
According to In Touch, Kendra and Hank are moving forward with their marriage and have canceled plans to divorce:
"Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett's marriage was rocked last summer when transsexual Ava London alleged she had an affair with the former NFL star - all while Kendra was pregnant with their second child...While we've seen the turmoil play out on Kendra on Top and Watch it with Kendra and Hank, Life & Style has learned the couple have allegedly weathered the storm."
What do you think about the latest reports? Is there any chance that Kendra's reunion with her father was staged? Are Kendra and Hank really doing better?
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