Tom Hardy, the actor who played Bane in that really awful Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises, was recently cast as Rick Flagg Jr in David Ayer’s Suicide Squad. However, Hardy had to drop of the film before filming started. Now, Tom Hardy is opening up about reason why he left the film, now that Warner Brothers has released an official pic of the film's cast, including Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), and Deadshot (Will Smith).
Hardy went on to talk about having to be replaced by Joel Kinnaman:
“Literally we wrapped in Calgary for now until we go back in July. It would have smashed the two, I would’ve had a beard. It was just not gonna happen so I got ass-slammed technically out of Suicide Squad, gutted, so I had to hand it over to Joel Kinnaman, who will do an amazing job. It’s just I got bumped out, and that’s cool that’s the way it is.”
What do you think about Tom Hardy being replaced. What do you think about the his comments? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
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