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Fired Paula Deen Racial Slurs and Plantation Wedding Not All, Former Cook Tells All [UPDATE]

Paula Deen, who was fired for admitting to using racial slurs and planning a plantation themed wedding, is in hot water again. This time a former cook tells all about the allegedly (and admittedly) racist Paula Deen.

The controversy surrounds statements made by Dora Charles, a cook who has worked with Paula Deen for over 20 years. Mrs. Charles, unlike other whistleblowers, isn’t seeking any money. She just wants the world to know who Paula Deen really is.

According to Mrs. Charles, she helped Mrs. Deen open her flagship restaurant Lady and Sons. The pair have worked together ever since. Of course, Dora never feels that she was properly compensated...and there may be lot of truth to that.

Deen apparently told Mrs. Charles that if she ever became rich, she would spread the wealth to Dora, who helped the southern chef build her empire. But, according to Dora, this never happened. In fact, Mrs. Deen never paid Dora over ten dollars per hour. That was until Dora filed an official complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Paula’s discrimination didn’t end there, either. She also requested that the cook dress as Aunt Jemima. If that wasn’t tacky and racist enough for you, don’t panic. Deen also wanted her to ring a dinner bell like a slave and yell, “Come and get it, y’all.”

Deen would, however, allow Mrs. Charles to appear with her on her cruise line. Of course, Deen did make her use vacation time at work AND cook for her on the ship.

Stay classy, Paula!

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