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Fox News Changes Lineup: Megyn Kelly, Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Gretchen Carlson Shake Up Could be Trouble [UPDATE]

For a very long time, Fox News has kept a stable lineup. 2013, however, will see many changes for the conservative news network. Both Megyn Kelly and Gretchen Carlson will be leaving their current shows, and Elisabeth Hasselbeck has left her job at The View to join the station. Could all of these shake ups prove trouble for Fox advertisers.

If it’s not broke, don’t fix it. That old cliche may once again ring true. Phil Griffen, president of liberal news network MSNBC, has certainly been paying attention to the changes, telling Variety that:

“They haven’t made as many lineup changes, so this is sort of unique. It’s getting some attention.”

Of course, this is probably just wishful thinking on Mr. Griffen’s behalf. As Variety reports, Fox seems to be doing just fine in the ratings department:

“To be sure, Fox News Channel continues to trump CNN and MSNBC handily in prime-time audiences between 25 and 54 – the demographic advertisers seek from news programs. But the network did see some slackening in its first quarter in so-called 'commercial ratings'--or measures of viewership for the ads that support its programs – for that demo, according to Billie Gold, vice president and director of buying and programming research at Carat, a media-buying firm that counts General Motors among its clients.”

Fox News, like most conservatives, don’t really embrace change well. As Variety notes:

“Fox News Channel’s prime-time lineup has largely been inviolate. Bill O’Reilly has held forth at 8 p.m. since 1996 with The O’Reilly Factor (known as The O’Reilly Report in its first two years). Sean Hannity has occupied the 9 p.m. slot since 1996, sharing it with Alan Colmes until 2009. And On The Record with Greta Van Susteren has been in the 10 p.m. slot since 2002, though its ratings have shown signs of weakness this year.”

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