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President Obama Speech Approval Rating Down After IRS and Press Wiretapping Scandal

President Obama’s approval rating is down lately, despite the President’s most recent speeches. Many attribute the decline to negative reactions stemming from the IRS scandal and news that the press was wiretapped. OFFBEAT has the breakdown of his latest numbers.

It’s been a rough few months for President Obama. It seems that his administration cannot escape scandal, as of late.

One of the most notable examples comes from the Internal Revenue Service. Public documents seem to suggest that the IRS, under his administration, specifically targeted conservative groups. Many of them were Tea Party based organizations.

Another major scandal involved the administrations’ interactions with the press. AP reported that the government began spying on the organization, without alerting them--an unprecedented move. The government was allegedly spying on hundreds of journalists phone calls in an attempt to track down a leak.

Earlier in the week, Gallop, a reputable polling organization, determined that his overall approval rating was hovering around 48%. They explain the breakdown:

“Although Americans rate President Barack Obama highest on being likable (76%) among a set of personal characteristics, those views are not strongly related to their overall approval of the job he is doing as president. Instead, two other characteristics he scores well on -- displaying good judgment in a crisis (58%) and being honest and trustworthy (55%) -- do relate highly to his overall job approval rating. Perceptions that Obama "shares your values" are the strongest predictor of approval, but his score on that dimension, 48%, is only average on a relative basis.“

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