Delicate Steve, created by New Jersey-based songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Steve Marion, has announced a North American tour and the release of their first live album, Live in Las Vegas. On March 3, Delicate Steve released Live in Las Vegas as a “pay what you will” download from the group's Bandcamp page. Since the album has been released, the band will embark on an extensive North American tour, which is set to begin in Philadelphia.
NPR has said that “Delicate Steve's music maintains the capacity to surprise ... guitar showcases that don't shred, dance records that don't adhere to familiar beats and classic-rock throwbacks that fan out into world music, prog, reggae, surf-rock and more, with the propulsive jitteriness and sideways oddness of Ratatat or Dirty Projectors.”
Delicate Steve's new album was recorded at a live performance at the Brooklyn Bowl in Las Vegas while touring with Tame Impala. Live in Las Vegas covers material from the band’s two studio records, Wondervisions and Positive Force.
The upcoming live shows will feature new material in addition to tracks from Delicate Steve’s studio albums. Currently, Delicate Steve is working on their third official album, to be released by Luaka Bop.
Click here for dates for Delicate Steve’s upcoming tour or to purchase tickets for any of the shows.
Check out "Redeemer" from Delicate Steve's album Positive Force in the video below.
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