Despite only announcing their engagement a few short months ago, Modern Family star, Sofia Vergara, just recently broke the news that she is having to postpone her wedding to True Blood fiancé, Joe Manganiello, at least until after summer. According to the latest gossip news updates, the Instagram bikini beauty is putting off the marriage until Manganiello completes his whirlwind promotion of Magic Mike XXL when it is released in July. Vergara's ABC co-star, Julie Bowen, recently revealed that the couple are just as likely to elope in secret in 2015, when everyone's guard is down, as they are to actually go through with a big formal ceremony.
After putting off her marriage to former fiancé Nick Lowe for so long that they broke up, Sofia Vergara seems determined not to make the same mistake twice, but she is still having to postpone her wedding to Joe Manganieelo until the winter or fall.
In a recent interview with Extra TV, the Columbian heartbreaker explained that she would still very much like to get married this year but only if she and Joe can arrange to take a little time off after their big day:
"We wanted to get married this summer, but Joe is going to be busy working. Hopefully, we will do it later this year -- we want to do it when we can make time for a honeymoon."
Sofia's Modern Family co-star Julie Brown told Entertainment Tonight, that it couldn't be too difficult for Vergara to put her wedding plans off a while longer, being that she doesn't really have any:
"It would be fun if we had a clue, but I don't think she has a clue.
"They're either going to run away and elope, or it's gonna be a thousand people."
Julie goes on to explain that even if she did really know exactly what Sofia was up to, it's not exactly like you would be any better off listening to whatever nonsense she had to say about it:
"I like to lie about it...I like to tell them I'm going to wear a peach, Princess Di, kind of puffy-sleeved thing."
While Julie Bowen clearly isn't in the loop, Sofia's Hot Pursuit cast mate, Reese Witherspoon, told Mario Lopez that she and Vergara had already hashed a great many of the details out before the party was postponed:
"We've already talked about the wedding. We have a lot of plans.
"I've got to help, got to be there for my girl...I'm so excited."
Since no one that knows her seems to be able to give a straight answer, it looks like we will just have to wait for August and see what happens.
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