The long-awaited Shakespeare in the Park series by The Public Theater has announced the lineup for this upcoming season. Cymbeline and The Tempest are both on the roster with The Newsroom’s Sam Waterston leading the latter production and Tony nominee Michael Greif to direct.
The Tempest will being its five-week run at the Delacorte Theater in Central Park from May 27 through June 5. Waterston, known for his television work on Law & Order and HBO’s The Newsroom, is an Oscar and Tony nominee. He will star as Prospero, which will mark his 13th Shakespearean production with the Public Theater. Greif, known for his work on Rent and Next to Normal will direct.
Cymbeline will run from July 27 through August 23 and will be directed by Tony winner Daniel Sullivan. Lesser known than The Tempest, it tells the story about a princess whose fidelity is put to the test when her soulmate is banished by her disapproving father. The Park’s first production of Cymbeline, was in 1971 and starred, coincidentally, Waterston in the lead role.
This is Shakespeare in the Park’s 53rd year of theater in Central Park. Conceived by Joe Papp in 1962 as a way to make theater accessible to all, Shakespeare in the Park productions have remained free since its inception. Those wishing to get tickets to the performances must go to the Delacorte Theater on the day of the show or sign up for the Public Theater’s free ticketing virtual lottery program on the day of the show. Click here to register.
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