Blake Shelton recently hosted legendary sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live, where the musician joked about his drinking and rumored marital problems with Miranda Lambert. Although Blake won't be heading to rehab or divorce court anytime soon, the likeable and talented country star did generate buzz for his hilarious "Wishing Boot" sketch/song. You can watch the video below.
Blake Shelton and his gorgeous and talented wife, Miranda Lambert, constantly find themselves being the subject of numerous tabloids.
The articles are rarely favorable and often center around two topics:
1. Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert are getting a divorce.
2. Blake is an uncontrollable alcoholic that is in desperate need of rehab.
Naturally, the tabloids have never offered any evidence to support their absurd claims.
As a result, Blake and Miranda love to make fun of the ridiculous allegations on Twitter and in interviews. A lot can be learned from how to handle tabloid gossip from the couple that seem capable of laughing off anything.
This certainly seemed the case last week, when Blake pulled double duty as both the host and musical guest on SNL. Shelton didn't waste time making fun of himself, as he joked about the rumors in his opening monologue:
"My name is Blake Shelton, and yes, officer, I have been drinking...I got food poisoning the other night...[the problem] was my wife made it."
Then, in a "Celebrity Family Feud" sketch where Blake played himself, Shelton gave a humorous response to the question, "Name something you never ask a woman:"
"What did I do wrong, Miranda?"
Of course, the most memorable moment of the night was a pre-recorded music video for the song, "Wishing Boot." A. V. Club offers up a solid description of the wish-granting footwear single:
"'Wishing Boot' saw Shelton, alongside Aidy Bryant, and Kate McKinnon...singing a paean to the titular magical cowboy boot, a dusty shoe with the power to set people's troubled lives aright with gifts of food, new clothes, and the power to disguise itself as a dog and destroy an evil imposter Wishing Boot packing a knife. Here, a loopy idea...combined with great performances, and the host's skills, produces something indelibly weird and wonderful."
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