It was revealed after the North Korean sponsored cyber-attack against Sony a couple weeks ago, that Alex Trebek was threatening to quit Jeopardy! after a producer asked him to retape a segment that offended the mother of Kids Week contestant. According to the latest gossip news updates, it was also revealed that producers already have a replacement in mind if the iconic mustache sporting host was to retire when his contract expires in 2016. Word has it that David Gregory, who was recently fired from NBC's Meet the Press, is a shoo-in to replace Trebek.
After a letter from an angry mother prompted one of Jeopardy!'s producers to insist Alex Trebek should retape a segment that left a little girl crying, the 74-year-old television icon let them know that if he did it might be the last time.
In an email exchange obtained by Us Weekly, Trebek pushed back against the suits capitulation to every little girl that left the set with tears in their eyes because she lost:
"If you all think I should retape the opening, I will.
"But I want to say that for 30 years I've defended our show against attacks inside and out. But it doesn't seem to operate both ways.
"When I'm vilified... I'm not feeling support from the producers, and that disappoints the sh-t out of me."
And just in case they weren't getting the message, Alex left them with little threat just to let everyone know that he really meant business:
"If I'm making mistakes and saying things you don't like, maybe it's time for me to move on."
Little did Alex realize that the powers that be had already gotten word that he was thinking about walking away from the show and were talking about who have the honor of replacing him.
In another email exchange posted by Radar Online, from Jeopardy! Executive Producer Harry Friedman to Sony, who owns the rights to the show, he asked about David Gregory taking over for Alex after prefacing the question with a statement about Alex being disgruntled:
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