According to the latest gossip news updates, Modern Family hot mom Sofia Vergara's new boyfriend, Joe Manganiello recently bought her a brand new ring during a recent L.A. outing, but sadly it was of the engagement variety. Word has it the even though the Magic Mike XXL stripper got his Instagram bikini feet model girlfriend a rose ring instead of a diamond one, Vergara's family still loves him. The story goes, that Sofia's relations were unimpressed with her last fiancé, Nick Loeb, but the True Blood werewolf has gotten their approval even without offering to make an honest woman out of her.
Apparently, Joe Manganiello and Sofia Vergara are at that stage in a relationship were you by each other precious gems and lavish gold rings.
A source that claimed to have the inside scoop on the Hollywood hot couple's recent shopping spree in L.A. to King Baby jewelry store (via E! News):
"Joe bought Sofía a $640 rose ring and Sofía bought Joe a wing pendant [necklace].
"They bought lots of pieces -- rings, necklaces and presents for friends and family.
"Sofía also bought herself a rosary style necklace."
It would seem that all those gifts for the family have worked their magic on the Vergara clan -- as they reportedly love Sofia's new boyfriend.
According to an informant in OK! Magazines' December 16 issue, Joe's acceptance is a pretty big deal, since that last man Sofia brought around, Nick Loeb, hardly got the same reception:
"It was no secret that Sofia's family disliked [Nick]...But they've really embraced Joe.
"What is there not to approve of...He makes Sofia happy."
The insider explained that the only family member whose approval she absolutely had to have was her son's, Manolo:
"Her son is her biggest priority -- and harshest relationship critic -- but he approves of Joe!"
During a recent chat with entertainment magazine, Us Weekly, she revealed that even though he is all grown up, Sofia's holidays still revolve around her little boy:
"Yes, of course [I did Thanksgiving] with my son.
"My son Manolo cooks -- he did amazing!"
"He's 23 now but he's been cooking the Turkey [since] he was 15. So now he's getting really good at it."
Well, it's official...there isn't anyone alive on the planet today who doesn't like Joe Manganiello.
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