According to all the latest gossip news updates, House of Cards star Robin Wright has reportedly called off her 10-month engagement to Mark Wahlberg's Lone Survivor co-star, Ben Foster. Word has it that the Forest Gump fiancé split with her much younger boyfriend after their 14-year age difference became too difficult to ignore any longer. Robin's Oscar winning ex-husband, Sean Penn, and his girlfriend, Charlie Theron, are still dating despite the rumors they were ready to breakup on the set of The Last Face. There has been no confirmation about the Mystic River actor's reported plans to marry the Mad Max Instagram bikini feet model, but his daughter Dylan would love it if there was a wedding sooner rather than later.
When Robin Wright and Ben Foster announced their engagement at the beginning of the year, the House of Card star looked like she was going to win the race against her ex-husband, Sean Penn, back to the wedding alter, but what a difference ten months can make.
At the time of the engagement, an insider told Us Weekly that Wright's being 48 made little to no difference to the 34-year-old actor--he just wanted to be with his soul mate:
"Ben is a sweet guy and you don't even notice the age difference. He's a lot more mild-mannered than Sean [Penn]."
Unfortunately, as winter approaches a friend of Robin's tells Us Weekly that, int the end, Wright was the one that just couldn't get over their generation gap:
"The gap just ended up being too much...Ben was kind of immature.
"She couldn't deal with him anymore."
November is looking worlds apart from January for Sean Penn, who is now seriously attached to Charlize Theron, as well.
According to the Daily Mail, Sean and Charlize may have been fighting like cats and dogs on the set of their first movie together The Last Face, but now that the filming is finished, all is well once again.
While, Sean and Charlie's secret engagement has yet to be confirmed, Penn's daughter Dylan, who recently posed nude for Treats! magazine, would seemingly love it if Theron joined the family (via Us Magazine):
"[Charlize] is awesome...She's great and they're amazing together.
"And she's the only woman since my mom [Robin Wright] who can shut my dad up.
"The only woman! That is a f--king challenge so...She's a powerhouse."
Maybe, if Ben had gotten that kind of public endorsement from Robin's daughter, she would still be walking around with Foster's diamond on her finger.
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