According to the latest gossip news updates, Boyhood actor, Ethan Hawke, is getting the feeling that he needs to split form his wife, Ryan after six years of marriage. Some sources insist that The Purge star was acting this exact same way before he and ex-wife, Uma Thurman, divorced. It's said that when Hawke gets bored at home he starts throwing himself into work, which is probably bad news for Joaquin Phoenix fans. Rumor has it that the Her rapper was a prime candidate to star as Marvel's Doctor Strange in the new movie set to be directed by one-time Hawke collaborator, Scott Derrickson. But now, Hawke is putting the word out that he would be more than interested if given the opportunity to play the titular role.
Reports are starting to circulate that pretty soon Boyhood star, Ethan Hawke, could be ending his second marriage in less than a decade.
A source with behind-the-scenes information claims in Star Magazine's October 13, issue that every indicator that Ethan is all set to go is already there if you know what they look like:
"You can see him growing bored and restless.
"He's been working a lot and seems to like it that way.
"Ethan's been married to Ryan nearly as long as he was married to Uma.
"The signs of trouble are there...His priorities are shifting again."
One thing is for certain: Ethan definitely seems more than eager to get out of the house and go to work--just as long as it's in Scott Derrickson's big screen adaptation of Marvel's Doctor Strange.
During an interview with MTV News, Hawke made it crystal clear that he thinks Derrickson is an artist and would happily work with him on any project that he was lucky enough to be offered:
"The thing about Scott is that he is a filmmaker...I mean, he's the real deal.
"He knows how to make a scary movie, like Hitchcock knew how to make a scary movie...and I really mean that.
"So, whoever he casts in that Marvel will be great.
"[And if the call comes] I'll take it from him for sure."
Regardless of the actors, Doctor Strange is slated to hit a movie theater new you July 8, 2016.
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