It would seem that Kaley Cuoco and her husband, Ryan Sweeting, may pay no attention to divorce rumors or even the topless nude photos circulating due to the Reddit iCloud hacker, but it looks like the Big Bang Theory Instagram bikini star's tennis playing husband doesn't like people calling him a freeloader. Following multiple reports that Sweeting was living high on the hog despite having earned less than a couple hundred bucks last year in prize money, seems to have found their mark as Priceline Penny recently posted a picture of her beau hard at work on the tennis court. According to the latest gossip news updates, costar/ex-boyfriend Johnny Galecki, who recently split with his girlfriend, has just quit smoking after 25 years of savage addiction.
Everyone knows that haters are going to hate, but it seems that recent criticism about his lack of income may have hit a little too close to home for husband of Big Bang Theory's Kaley Cuoco, Ryan Sweeting.
In last week's October 13, Star Magazine, one supposed informant claimed that Ryan was perfectly content with the $156 he earned in prize money the year before:
"Ryan knows that his tennis career is all but over."
"He doesn't have the ambition to compete for the big bucks.
"And why should he? He has a rich wife."
Well, this year it looks like Sweeting is gearing up to earn at least a few dollars more by getting himself back into tip top fighting shape.
Yestedayr, Kaley posted a picture of her hubby looking fairly exhausted to Instagram, captioned with a few encouraging words to inspire his rise back to the 64th spot Ryan held in American Tennis back in 2011:
"This guy [is] killing it today"
Speaking of knowing when to quit, Kaley's Big Bang costar, Johnny Galecki, recently confessed on the Late Show with David Letterman that he had finally given up smoking cigarettes after 25-years of being chained to the habit (via
"I smoked for about 25 years and with utter reckless abandon; I didn't keep track of how much. It was terrible.
"It was never a social thing for me, it kind of served my anti-social tendencies.
"Now, I have to sit through dinners for the entirety of them without the excuse to go cater to my filthy addiction outside on the corner for a minute." least Johnny could afford to smoke cigarettes...unlike some other people that Kaley has dated.
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