Mark Frost and David Lynch tweeted a Twin Peaks revival rumor announcement at the same time. Days later, a video teaser made the announcement official, citing Showtime as the host for a limited-run 2016 season. We will have nine Frost-and-Lynch written and directed episodes bestowed upon us in a mere year and a half — but no word on Josie Packard and her coconut.
These are things we know. What we do not know, and continue to ask on various Twitter, Facebook and message boards on the Web, is how it is all going to go down.
Sort-of answers, then, can be found over at Grantland’s Consider the Log Lady: Questions (and Answers) About the Return of ‘Twin Peaks.’ In this edition of the mailbag series, Andy Greenwald attempts to answer your Lynchian crying fears and promises dreams do come true.
Our favorite quips included his Top 5 characters he hopes to return, which naturally includes Agent Dale Cooper, his darling muse Audrey Horne and my personal favorite Log Lady. Greenwald goes into who he would not like to see return, like stud muffin Leo Johnson.
Most importantly, from the mailbag post we find out a slew of goodies. The Top 3 nuggets of golden questionings are:
What's the deal with Twin Peaks anyway? Why should I care?
Should David Lynch go full Luis Buñuel and have Lara Flynn Boyle and Moira Kelly alternate scenes as Donna?
Is Josie Packard really a doorknob now or what?
If Josie really is a doorknob, how does she have the time to run a WordPress blog entitled Hungry Empress on food, health and more food, specificlly the coconut she quit Twin Peaks for? Well, be sure to check out the Modern Twin Peaks Twitter account to find out.
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