It looks like the new Apple Watch, dubbed iWatch by the press, has healthy competition from Google in the field of wearable technology. This latest report comes after weeks of negative press, stemming from YouTube videos showing the new iPhone 6 Plus bending. Not to mention, the company had a very public spat over privacy concerns with the FBI.
Apple may have generated the most buzz so far when it comes to the frontier of wearable technology, but they certainly aren't the only players in town. One of their largest rivals-Google-has also made a bit of a splash.
According to Digital Trends, a popular technology blog, Google is making a few big innovations of their own:
"Google's recently-announced Android Wear was the first smartwatch offering from either of the two tech giants, and though it's tailored as an operating system as opposed to a standalone device, it promises a wide range of features upon whichever device it debuts. Whether talking the software's voice-controlled navigation, fitness-tracking capabilities, or multiscreen functionality, Google is certainly making a splash in the realm of wearable tech."
Which tech giant winds up on top could have more to do with fashion than technology. At least that's how Tim Cook makes it seem, as he caters one-day Apple Watch pop up locations to fashion's elite.
As Quartz tells readers, Apple now needs support from the fashion industry:
"If the Apple Watch is going to be the company's next big hit, it can't just be sold as a tech gadget-it has to stand on its own as a luxury fashion product, too...So expect to see more efforts like Apple's special pop-up today at Paris Fashion Week. The company took over a section of Colette-a cool, high-end concept boutique-for a one-day-only Apple Watch exhibition."
What do you think about the latest comments? Is Apple now dependent upon the fashion community to ensure the success of Apple Watch? Who do you think will win the War of Wearable Tech?
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