Harold and Kumar stoned star, John Cho, is finally seguing into making a network romcom. Apparently, ABC's new horrifically named fall TV show, Selfie, has the Star Trek actor cast in the leading role of Henry Higgens alongside Doctor Who alum Karen Gillan as Elisa Dooley in a modern day adaptation of My Fair Lady. The pilot premiere's tonight, and the fact that Cho was cast in a role that would traditionally go to a more stereotypically English looking actor is not lost on him. But as impressed as some critics' reviews are with ABC's decision to cast an interracial couple as the new faces of their primetime series, the instantly dated references coupled with the ridiculous moniker is just too much for many to take.
ABC's latest offering, Selfie, premieres tonight, with the network presumably hoping that middle America will be excited to see an Asian American cast opposite a beautiful white girl for the first time in history.
American Pie milf man John Cho, admitted in a recent interview that he found the dynamic very compelling, though he respected the show's conscious choice not to address it even more (via The Star):
"Asians narratively in shows are insignificant. They're the cop, or the waitress, or whatever it is.
"You see them in the background. So to be in this position...is a bit of a landmark.
"[Though] to not even talk about it is a really new and, I think, mature way to look at it."
Throughout, his career Cho has been able to work in Hollywood without having to turn to any roles that would play on his ethnicity directly.
That comes as no real shock to fans of the 42-year-old Korean immigrant, who has been studying how to act--in a way--his entire life:
"As an immigrant, I learned by watching other people.
"When you're not born in this country, you kind of study how people talk and how they act and you try and break things down."
As for the god awful name for the show, John admitted to Good Morning America, that he isn't really a fan himself, but he has been able to slightly tweek the definition in his mind to make it more palatable (via Hypable):
"If you're not a fan of the title, there's someone who's not a fan of the title on the show.
"Yeah, it's a polarizing word...But I think Selfie...it can be someone who's a narcissist, but it can also be a way into dealing with 'selfhood.'"
Yeah, man...whatever you got to tell yourself.
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