Tonight, NBC’s breakaway hit The Blacklist begins its second season. Recently, the show’s creepy yet charming leading man, James Spader (Avengers 2: Age of Ultron) opened up about the first season — now streaming on Netflix — and his new co-star Mary-Louise Parker (The West Wing, Weeds).
The official plot synopsis for tonight’s Season 2 premiere of The Blacklist, titled "Lord Baltimore," reads:
"Red faces an important person from his past in the Season 2 premiere. Also, Red continues to battle Berlin (Peter Stormare) and tangles with a new threat, and Liz deals with a past showdown with Tom."
With the new season just hours away, James Spader is reflecting on the first season, telling TV Guide about his experience:
"I was pleased. It went long, as television seasons do, but I think we had great fun. I had never done a brand-new show before. I had worked on The Office for a year. When I did the last year of The Practice, I think it was the eighth season, and that turned into Boston Legal. This was a whole different thing where we were starting from scratch, and it takes time on everybody's part — mine, the writers, the crew, everybody. So the whole first season really is finding your way and figuring out what you're up to."
This season features Weeds and West Wing actress Mary-Louise Parker joining the show as someone from Red’s past.
Spader also opened up to TV Guide about working with Parker:
"I had never met her before and have only shot one scene with her. She was blindfolded and was not speaking, and neither was I. Remember, I like to be surprised."
The new season of The Blacklist premieres tonight at 10 p.m. on NBC. Season 1 is currently streaming on Netflix.
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